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International Remedial Measures

A.      For Ozone Hole
(1)    Vienna convention, 1985 for protection and maintenance of ozone layer.
(2)    Montreal Protocol on substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1987 (a protocol to Vienna Convention). It was established to protect ozone layer by phasing out the production of ozone depleting substances such as CFCs, halons by 1996. It gave 10 years extension period for developing countries.
(3)    Toronto Summit, 1988 for reduction in the emission of CO₂.
(4)    London Convention 1989: it sought (a) ban on CFC and halons by 2000; (b) recognition of methyl chloroform and carbon tetrachloride as ozone depleltors; (c) setting up of special fund.
(5)    Inter – Government Panel on Climate change (IPCC) was formed in 1988 by UNEP and WMO.

B.      For Global warming
1.       First Earth Summit or United Nations Conference on Environment and development, 1992: 
it is also known as Rio summit it resulted into following documents:
(1)    Rio Declaration on Environment and development to guide towards Sustainable Development.
(2)    Agenda 21 With regard to sustainable development
(3)    Forest principles
Also two legally binding agreements were opened for signature:
(1)    Framework Convention on Climate Change which led to establishment of Kyoto Protocol.
(2)    Convention on Biological Diversity.

2.       Second Earth Summit or Plus -5 Summit was held in 1997 to review the progress of first Earth Summit Nothing substantial came out of it.
3.       Kyoto protocol , 1997 COP -3 :
This is a legally binding agreement. It set binding targets for 37 industrialized nations and the European Community for reducing green house (GHG) emissions. These reductions amount to an average of 5.3% against 1990 levels over the five year commitment period of 2008-2012. It was successful conference in imposing legally binding obligation on the part of developed countries.
USA and Australia did not sign this agreement. In order to transfer environment friendly technologies from developed countries to developing countries for checking the emissions of greenhouse gases, a Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established with the of World Bank, UNDP  and UNEP.  Also a clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was initiated to bring in private participation and investment in the form of carbon trading.

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